The holidays are a time for family, fun and gifts! For most kids this is an exciting time of the year where they get to spend extended time with their family, wake up later and forget about school for a little bit. While the break is great for their mental health and their emotional connections it can mean that as the holiday excitement dies down, the dread of heading back to class can set in. To help make the transition from the freedom of the holiday schedule to a more structured routine easier try these tips.

Sleep Schedules

Sleep schedules is usually the first thing to get ditched as we switch into holiday mode. Kids are staying up much later and as a result waking up later, but it is important to get the kids back on a good sleeping schedule in time for school. Try increasing their bedtime by 15min every night until you reach your desired bedtime.

Quiet Time

Around 2-3 days before school starts, set aside 15-30min a day for quiet reading (depending on their age).

Limit Screen time

A few days before school starts help them get back on schedule with limiting technology for your kids. It will also help them function better through-out the day at school. Try turning off tablets and phones 1 hour before bedtime.

Validate Their Feelings

It can be tough to go from such a joyous time of the year to the stress of schedules and routines. Set aside some time to really talk to your child about their feelings around heading back to school.

Keep Them Moving

Kids are active little people and to help them succeed with heading back to school, set aside 1 hour of physical activity a day. This will help with their ability to sit and learn in the classroom and will hopefully help make an earlier bedtime easier on you.