Halloween is that time of year where all the littles dress up as their favourite character, or superhero and head out into the neighborhood on their hunt for a pillowcase full of delicious treats. While there is no set age limit for Trick or Treating, some parents feel there is an unspoken limit to how old you can be. So where do you draw the line? 13? 15? 17? or 18? Most parents feel that when a child hits their teenage years (around 13) that it is the time to stop Trick or Treating, while others believe it should be when the child feels they are ready to stop.


If you have an older teen/tween who would like to participate in Trick or Treating this year; here is a few tips they can use to ensure they won’t get any side eye from other parents in the neighbourhood.


Dress Up

Dressing up is what Halloween is for, so make sure you have a cool costume on (not just a face mask).



Using please and thank you while Trick or Treating for teens will go a long way with adults and will make the candy hunt a lot easier.


Buddy Up

Take a younger friend, cousin, or sibling with you. When there is a child accompanying you, you are sure to get lots of smiles, praise, and candy!


Small Groups

While most houses won’t mind handing out candy to a teen that is dressed up, it’s best to avoid going with 16 of your other teen friends.


What’s your age limit for Trick or Treating? Tell us by heading to our poll on Facebook!